Call the Graph API from SharePoint Online

This post will go over a new libray component for executing graph api requests from a SharePoint site, running under the context of the current user.

Graph API Token

The first step is to request a token in order to execute the Graph API request. This token is required in order to make a GET/POST request.

import { Graph } from "gd-sprest";

// Get the access token
Graph.getAccessToken().execute(token => {
  // Access Token - Required for the Graph API requests

  // Expires On

  // Token ID

  // Resource

  // Scope

  // Type

Requestion Information

The getAccessToken method will take an optional parameter to specify the cloud type. You can utilize the SPTypes.CloudEnvironment enumerator to help with this. The HTTP request will look like the following:

Accept: "application/json;odata=verbose"
Content-Type: "application/json;odata=verbose"
X-HTTP-Method: "POST"
X-RequestDigest: [Request Digest Id]
url: "https://[tenant][current site]/_api/SP.OAuth.Token/Acquire"
data: { resource: "[cloud environment]" }

Cloud Environment

The available cloud environments are listed in the microsoft docs. An enumerator can be used to specify which environment to use. The default is the commercial endpoint


The request will run under the context of the user logged into SharePoint.

Graph Requests

The Graph library will allow you to specify the following properties:

  • access_token (Required) - The access token for the graph api request
  • cloud - The cloud environment to use (Default - Commercial)
  • requestType - “GET” or “POST” request type (Default - GET)
  • url - The graph api url of the request
  • version - The graph api version (Default - 1.0)

Code Examples

Get Current User Information

import { Graph } from "gd-sprest";

// Get the access token
Graph.getAccessToken().execute(token => {
  // Access Token - Required for the Graph API requests

  // Get the current user information
    accessToken: token.access_token,
    url: "me"
  }).execute(userInfo => {
    // Code goes here

Get Current User Information (US IL-5)

import { Graph, SPTypes } from "gd-sprest";

// Get the access token
Graph.getAccessToken(SPTypes.CloudEnvironment.USL5).execute(token => {
  // Access Token - Required for the Graph API requests

  // Get the current user information
    accessToken: token.access_token,
    cloud: SPTypes.CloudEnvironment.USL5,
    url: "me"
  }).execute(userInfo => {
    // Code goes here

Requestion Information

The HTTP request information for the above will be:

Accept: "application/json;"
Authorization: "Bearer [Access Token]"
Content-Type: "application/json;"
X-HTTP-Method: "GET"
url: "https://[Graph Cloud Endpoint]/[Version]/me"

Get Current User’s Group Information

import { Graph } from "gd-sprest";

// Get the access token
Graph.getAccessToken().execute(token => {
  // Access Token - Required for the Graph API requests

  // Get the member's groups
    accessToken: token.access_token,
    requestType: "POST",
    url: "me/getMemberGroups"
  }).execute(userInfo => {
    // Code goes here

Get Current User’s Group Information (US IL-5)

import { Graph, SPTypes } from "gd-sprest";

// Get the access token
Graph.getAccessToken(SPTypes.CloudEnvironment.USL5).execute(token => {
  // Access Token - Required for the Graph API requests

  // Get the member's groups
    accessToken: token.access_token,
    cloud: SPTypes.CloudEnvironment.USL5,
    requestType: "POST",
    url: "me/getMemberGroups"
  }).execute(userInfo => {
    // Code goes here

Requestion Information

The HTTP request information for the above will be:

Accept: "application/json;"
Authorization: "Bearer [Access Token]"
Content-Type: "application/json;"
X-HTTP-Method: "POST"
url: "https://[Graph Cloud Endpoint]/[Version]/me/getMemberGroups"
data: { securityEnabledOnly: true }

Get Root Site

import { Graph } from "gd-sprest";

// Get the access token
Graph.getAccessToken().execute(token => {
  // Access Token - Required for the Graph API requests

  // Get the root site
    accessToken: token.access_token,
    requestType: "POST",
    url: "sites/root"
  }).execute(rootSite => {
    // Code goes here

Get Root Site (US IL-5)

import { Graph, SPTypes } from "gd-sprest";

// Get the access token
Graph.getAccessToken(SPTypes.CloudEnvironment.USL5).execute(token => {
  // Access Token - Required for the Graph API requests

  // Get the root site
    accessToken: token.access_token,
    cloud: SPTypes.CloudEnvironment.USL5,
    requestType: "POST",
    url: "sites/root"

Requestion Information

The HTTP request information for the above will be:

Accept: "application/json;"
Authorization: "Bearer [Access Token]"
Content-Type: "application/json;"
X-HTTP-Method: "POST"
url: "https://[Graph Cloud Endpoint]/[Version]/sites/root"


If you have any problems/issues with this new method, you can report an issue here. I hope these code example are helpful. Happy Coding!!!

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About Gunjan Datta

A SharePoint developer.