SharePoint Field Schema XML Examples

This post will give examples of SharePoint field schema xml. Reference for field schema

Field Types


<Field ID="{GUID}" Name="Boolean" StaticName="Boolean" DisplayName="Boolean" Type="Boolean">

Default Values
* 0 - Unchecked
* 1 - Checked


<Field ID="{GUID}" Name="Calculated" StaticName="Calculated" DisplayName="Calculated" Type="Calculated" ResultType="Text">
    <Formula>=[{Field Title}]</Formula>
        <FieldRef Name="{Internal Field Name}" />

Refrence for calculated field formulas. The formula’s field value is the title (display name) within brackets []. Each field used in the formula, must have the internal name defined within the “FieldRefs”.

Result Types
  • Boolean
  • Currency
  • DateTime

    • Set the Format property to define “DateOnly” or “DateTime”
  • Number
  • Text

Example Formulas

Display another field

Result Type - Text

    <FieldRef Name="Title" />

Display the # of days including hours and minutes

Result Type - DateTime

    OR(ISBLANK([Date/Time Opened]),ISBLANK([Date/Time Closed])),
    DATEDIF([Date/Time Opened), [Date/Time Closed], "d")&":"&Text([Date/Time Closed]-[Date/Time Opened], "hh:mm")
    <FieldRef Name="EndDate" />
    <FieldRef Name="StartDate" />

Active flag, based on a status field value

Result Type - Boolean

    OR([Report Status]="In Progress"), [Report Status]="Pending", [Report Status]="Needs Update"),
    <FieldRef Name="Status" />


<Field ID="{GUID}" Name="Choice" StaticName="Choice" DisplayName="Choice" Type="Choice">
    <Default>Choice 3</Default>
        <CHOICE>Choice 1</CHOICE>
        <CHOICE>Choice 2</CHOICE>
        <CHOICE>Choice 3</CHOICE>
        <CHOICE>Choice 4</CHOICE>
        <CHOICE>Choice 5</CHOICE>

Choice (Multi)

<Field ID="{GUID}" Name="Choice" StaticName="Choice" DisplayName="Choice" Type="MultiChoice">
    <Default>Choice 3</Default>
        <CHOICE>Choice 1</CHOICE>
        <CHOICE>Choice 2</CHOICE>
        <CHOICE>Choice 3</CHOICE>
        <CHOICE>Choice 4</CHOICE>
        <CHOICE>Choice 5</CHOICE>

Date Only

<Field ID="{GUID}" Name="DateOnly" StaticName="DateOnly" DisplayName="Date Only" Type="DateTime" Format="DateOnly" />

Date And Time

<Field ID="{GUID}" Name="DateTime" StaticName="DateTime" DisplayName="Date Time" Type="DateTime" Format="DateTime" />


<Field ID="{GUID}" Name="Lookup" StaticName="Lookup" DisplayName="Lookup" Type="Lookup" List="{Lookup List GUID}" ShowField="[Lookup Internal Field Name]" />

  • List - The look up list id
  • ShowField - The look up list’s internal field name.

Lookup (Associated)

<Field ID="{GUID}" Name="AssociatedLookup" StaticName="AssociatedLookup" DisplayName="Associated Lookup" Type="Lookup" List="{Lookup List GUID}" ShowField="[Lookup Internal Field Name]" FieldRef={Lookup Field GUID} />

Order Matters - The main lookup field must be created before the associated field.

  • FieldRef - The main lookup field id

Lookup (Multi)

<Field ID="{GUID}" Name="Lookup" StaticName="Lookup" DisplayName="Lookup" Type="Lookup" List="{Lookup List GUID}" ShowField="[Lookup Internal Field Name]" Mult="TRUE" />

Managed Metadata

<Field ID="{GUID}" Name="MangedMetadata_0" StaticName="MangedMetadata_0" DisplayName="Manged Metadata Value" Type="Note" Hidden="TRUE" />
<Field ID="{GUID}" Name="MangedMetadata" StaticName="MangedMetadata" DisplayName="Manged Metadata" Type="TaxonomyFieldType" ShowField="Term1033">
                <Value xmlns:q6="" p4:type="q6:string" xmlns:p4="">{Field Value GUID}</Value>

Order Matters - The value field must be created before the managed metadata field.

  • ShowField - Term[The locale id]
  • 1033 - English


<Field ID="{GUID}" Name="PlainText" StaticName="PlainText" DisplayName="Plain Text" Type="Note" NumLines="6" />

Note (Rich HTML)

<Field ID="{GUID}" Name="RichText" StaticName="RichText" DisplayName="Rich Text" Type="Note" RichText="TRUE" />

Note (Enhanced Rich HTML)

<Field ID="{GUID}" Name="EnhancedRichText" StaticName="EnhancedPlainText" DisplayName="Enhanced Rich Text" Type="Note" RichText="TRUE" RichTextMode="FullHtml" />

Number (Decimal)

<Field ID="{GUID}" Name="NumberDecimal" StaticName="NumberDecimal" DisplayName="Decimal" Type="Number" Decimals="2" Min="-500" Max="500" />

  • Max - The maximum required value
  • Min - The minimum required value

Number (Integer)

<Field ID="{GUID}" Name="NumberInteger" StaticName="NumberInteger" DisplayName="Integer" Type="Number" />

Number (Percentage)

<Field ID="{GUID}" Name="NumberPercentage" StaticName="NumberPercentage" DisplayName="Integer" Type="Number" ShowPercentage="TRUE" />


<Field ID="{GUID}" Name="Url" StaticName="Url" DisplayName="Url" Type="URL" />


<Field ID="{GUID}" Name="User" StaticName="User" DisplayName="User" Type="User" UserSelectionMode="0" UserSelectionScope="0" />

User Selection Mode
* 0 - Users Only
* 1 - User & Groups

User Selection Scope
* 0 - No Restrictions
* [#] - The SharePoint group id

User (Multi)

<Field ID="{GUID}" Name="User" StaticName="User" DisplayName="User" Type="User" UserSelectionMode="0" UserSelectionScope="0" Mult="TRUE" />

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About Gunjan Datta

A SharePoint developer.