4 minute read

The list form component allows you to generate a new/edit/display form for a list item, using bootstrap.

Create Form Properties

Name Type Required? Description
elForm HTMLElement No Will render the form to the element, if provided.
info ListFormResult No Will use the list form result information to load the form, otherwise it will load this information.
tabInfo ItemFormTabInfo No Will render tabs, if provided.
useModal boolean No Will render in a modal by default, otherwise an offcanvas slideout.
webUrl string No The site containing the list.
onCreateEditForm (props) => props No Triggered before the form is rendered, allowing you to customize it.
onFormButtonsRendering (buttons) => buttons No Triggered before the form buttons are rendering, allow you to add/remove/edit them.
onFormRendered (form) => void No Triggered after the form is rendered.
onGetListInfo (props) => props No Triggered before the list information is queried, allowing you to customize it.
onResetForm () => void No Triggered before the form is rendered.
onSave (values) => values | PromiseLike<values> No Triggered before an item is saved, so you can futher customize it.
onSaveError (error) => void No Triggered when saving the item fails.
onSetFooter (element) => void No Triggered after the footer is rendered.
onSetHeader (element) => void No Triggered after the header is rendered.
onShowForm (form) => void No Triggered when a form is displayed.
onUpdate (item) => void No Triggered after the item is saved/updated.
onValidation (values, isValid: boolean) => boolean | PromiseLike<boolean> No Triggered after validation is completed, allowing you to add additional validation and/or cancel the save/update.

Edit Form Properties

Name Type Required? Description
elForm HTMLElement No Will render the form to the element, if provided.
info ListFormResult No Will use the list form result information to load the form, otherwise it will load this information.
itemId number Yes  
tabInfo ItemFormTabInfo No Will render tabs, if provided.
useModal boolean No Will render in a modal by default, otherwise an offcanvas slideout.
webUrl string No The site containing the list.
onCreateEditForm (props) => props No Triggered before the form is rendered, allowing you to customize it.
onFormButtonsRendering (buttons) => buttons No Triggered before the form buttons are rendering, allow you to add/remove/edit them.
onFormRendered (form) => void No Triggered after the form is rendered.
onGetListInfo (props) => props No Triggered before the list information is queried, allowing you to customize it.
onResetForm () => void No Triggered before the form is rendered.
onSave (values) => values | PromiseLike<values> No Triggered before an item is saved, so you can futher customize it.
onSaveError (error) => void No Triggered when saving the item fails.
onSetFooter (element) => void No Triggered after the footer is rendered.
onSetHeader (element) => void No Triggered after the header is rendered.
onShowForm (form) => void No Triggered when a form is displayed.
onUpdate (item) => void No Triggered after the item is saved/updated.
onValidation (values, isValid: boolean) => boolean | PromiseLike<boolean> No Triggered after validation is completed, allowing you to add additional validation and/or cancel the save/update.

View Form Properties

Name Type Required? Description
elForm HTMLElement No Will render the form to the element, if provided.
info ListFormResult No Will use the list form result information to load the form, otherwise it will load this information.
itemId number Yes  
tabInfo ItemFormTabInfo No Will render tabs, if provided.
useModal boolean No Will render in a modal by default, otherwise an offcanvas slideout.
webUrl string No The site containing the list.
onCreateViewForm (props) => props No Triggered before the form is rendered, allowing you to customize it.
onFormButtonsRendering (buttons) => buttons No Triggered before the form buttons are rendering, allow you to add/remove/edit them.
onFormRendered (form) => void No Triggered after the form is rendered.
onGetListInfo (props) => props No Triggered before the list information is queried, allowing you to customize it.
onResetForm () => void No Triggered before the form is rendered.
onSetFooter (element) => void No Triggered after the footer is rendered.
onSetHeader (element) => void No Triggered after the header is rendered.
onShowForm (form) => void No Triggered when a form is displayed.