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Interface IWPSearchProps

Search WebPart Properties




Optional camlQuery

camlQuery: string

The caml query.

Optional cfgElementId

cfgElementId: string

The optional configuration element

Optional className

className: string

The class name.

Optional editForm

The edit form

Optional elementId

elementId: string

The target element id to render the webpart to

Optional helpProps

helpProps: { title?: string; url: string }

The optional help link properties

Type declaration

  • Optional title?: string

    The link title

  • url: string

    The link url

Optional odataQuery

odataQuery: IODataQuery

The odata query.

Optional onExecutingCAMLQuery

onExecutingCAMLQuery: (wpInfo: IWPSearchInfo, caml: string) => string

The executing caml query event.

Type declaration

Optional onExecutingODATAQuery

onExecutingODATAQuery: (wpInfo: IWPSearchInfo, odata: IODataQuery) => IODataQuery

The executing odata query event.

Type declaration

    • Parameters

      Returns IODataQuery

Optional onPostRender

onPostRender: (wp: IWPSearchInfo, ...args: any[]) => void

The post render event

Type declaration

Optional onRenderDisplay

onRenderDisplay: (wp: IWPSearchInfo) => any

The render event triggered when the page is in 'Display' mode

Type declaration

Optional onRenderEdit

onRenderEdit: (wp: IWPSearchInfo) => any

The render event triggered when the page is in 'Edit' mode

Type declaration

Optional onRenderItems

onRenderItems: (wpInfo: IWPSearchInfo, items: Array<IListItemQuery | ListItem>) => void

The on render items event.

Type declaration

    • (wpInfo: IWPSearchInfo, items: Array<IListItemQuery | ListItem>): void
    • Parameters

      Returns void

Optional searchFields

searchFields: Array<{ name: string; type: string }>

The internal field names to be used for search. These will be appended to the configuration fields.

Optional wpClassName

wpClassName: string

The webpart class name

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