3 minute read

The list component can be used to load a list on any site. It will contain the list properties, content types, items and views. The list form component has been integrated into this component.


Name Type Required? Description
camlQuery string No Optional CAML query that can be used to filter the items.
itemQuery IODataQuery No The REST OData
viewName string No  
Referenced List      
Either the list id or name property must be set.      
listId string Yes The guid id for the list.
listName string Yes The title of the list.
webUrl string No The absolute or relative url to the site containing the list.
onInitError () => void No Triggered if there is an error loading the web, list or items.
onInitialized () => void No Triggered when the list and items are loaded.
onItemsLoaded (items) => void No Triggered when the items are loaded.
onLoadFormError () => void No Triggered when there is an error loading the list form.
onRefreshItems (items) => void No Triggered when the items are refreshed.
onResetForm () => void No Triggered before the list form is rendered.


Name Type Description
EditForm ListForm A reference to the list edit form.
EditForms ListForm[] A reference to the list edit forms, if using tabs.
ListContentTypes ContentType[] A reference to the list content types.
ListFields Field[] A reference to the list fields.
ListInfo List A reference to the list properties.
ListViews View[] A reference to the list views.
ViewForm ListForm A reference to the list view form.
ViewForms ListForm[] A reference to the list view forms, if using tabs.
createItem (values: object) => Promise<ListItem> Method to create a new item in the list.
deleteItem (itemId: number) => Promise<void> Method to delete an item in the list.
editForm (props) => void Method to display an edit form.
getChanges (itemId: number, defaultFields: string[]) => PromiseLike<any> Method to get a list item’s version history.
getField (name:string) => Field Method to get a list field by it’s internal or display name.
getFieldById (id:string) => Field Method to get a list field by it’s id.
getItem (itemId: number) => ListItem Method to get a list item by it’s id.
newForm (props) => void Method to display a new form.
refresh (query: IODataQuery) => PromiseLike<ListItem[]> Method to refresh the list items.
refreshItem (itemId: number, query: IODataQuery) => PromiseLike<ListItem> Method to refresh a list item.
save (bypassValidation?: boolean) => PromiseLike<ListItem> Method to save trigger the save event for a new/edit form.
updateItem (itemId: number, values: any) => PromiseLike<ListItem> Method to update an existing list item.
viewForm (props) => void Method to display a view form.