Form Control Properties - People Picker



allowGroups?: boolean
assignTo?: ((obj) => void)

Type declaration

    • (obj): void
    • Assigns the object to the input parameter.


      Returns void

className?: string

Custom class names.

controlClassName?: string
data?: any
description?: string
el?: HTMLElement

The element to render the component to.

errorMessage?: string
groupId?: number
id?: string
isDisabled?: boolean
isPlainText?: boolean
isReadonly?: boolean
label?: string
loadingMessage?: string
maxResults?: number
multi?: boolean
name?: string
onChange?: ((obj) => void)

Type declaration

    • (obj): void
    • Parameters

      • obj: IPeoplePickerUser[]

      Returns void

onControlRendered?: ((control) => void | PromiseLike<IFormControl>)

Type declaration

onControlRendering?: ((control) => void | PromiseLike<IFormControlProps>)

Type declaration

onGetValue?: ((control) => any)

Type declaration

onValidate?: ((control, results) => boolean | IFormControlValidationResult<any>)

Type declaration

placeholder?: string
required?: boolean
searchLocal?: boolean
title?: string
type?: number
validationType?: number
value?: string | number | IPeoplePickerUser | (string | number | IPeoplePickerUser)[]

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